Final exhibition: SEEDS – Means for a Sustainable Art Practice
7th > 29th MAY 2024 AT FBAUL GALLERY (Lisbon) ARTISTS: ana amarante, Alicia Monreal Ortega, Alkyoni Papakonstantopoulou, Camila Almeida, Carme Ayala, Diana de Brito , Eva Manaridou, Inés Ballesteros, Inês Coelho da Silva, Leah Saraiva, Folie a Deux, Rafael Raposo Pires CURATORSHIP: João Rolaça & Noemi Ferreira This exhibition is a selection of works created […]

7th DEC 2023 > 7th JAN 2024 AT CINETEATRO ALBA (Albergaria-a-Velha) ARTISTS: ana amarante, Alicia Monreal Ortega, Alkyoni Papakonstantopoulou, Camila Almeida, Carme Ayala, Diana de Brito , Eva Manaridou, Inés Ballesteros, Inês Coelho da Silva, Leah Saraiva, Folie a Deux, Rafael Raposo Pires Curatorship: Noemi Ferreira Secar Roupa à Chuva (“Drying clothes in the […]
Exhibition: SOL DE POUCA DURA at Oficinas do Convento

28th OCT > 4th NOV 2023 AT OFICINAS DO CONVENTO The Sol de Pouca Dura exhibition is the first result of the artistic residency at Oficinas do Convento, organised by the 12 artists taking part in the Seeds – Means for a Sustainable Art Practice project. This project is a partnership between the Quinta das […]
Workshops at Oficinas do Convento

OCTOBER 2023 AT OFICINAS DO CONVENTO Text by João Rolaça WORKSHOP 1: Find, collect and prepare clay for ceramics by Ana João Almeida Ana João Almeida is a ceramist with wide experience in collecting clay and other ceramic materials from nature, to use in utilitarian and artistic ceramic objects. In the workshop, the theoretical […]
Exhibition: SECAR ROUPA À CHUVA at Viarco

28th SEP > 30th NOV 2023 AT VIARCO (S.João da Madeira, Portugal) ARTISTS: ana amarante, Alicia Monreal Ortega, Alkyoni Papakonstantopoulou, Camila Almeida, Carme Ayala, Diana de Brito , Eva Manaridou, Inés Ballesteros, Inês Coelho da Silva, Leah Saraiva, Folie a Deux, Rafael Raposo Pires Curatorship: Noemi Ferreira Secar a roupa à chuva (’drying clothes […]
Workshops at Quinta das Relvas

4th > 8th SEPTEMBER 2023 AT QUINTA DAS RELVAS With Linda Weintraub, Sónia Francisco and Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodriguez QdR/LINDA W1:The connection to materiality (4th September) The first moment Linda worked with the group she wanted us to think about the primal connection our bodies have to materiality. Texture was the way to explore this link between […]
Open studio at Quinta das Relvas

24th SEPTEMBER – QUINTA DAS RELVAS On this Open Studio, SEEDS’ resident artists shared their on-going processes with reflective and interactive proposal to the local community of Branca! There were also roasted chestnuts and hot wine!
Cycle of Conferences

02 > 03 SEPTEMBER 2023 FINE ARTS FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LISBON This cycle is part of the international project of the same name, supported by the Creative Europe programme and led by the Quinta das Relvas Association, which aims to share, research and explore ways of promoting a more sustainable artistic practice. KEY-SPEAKERS: […]
Open call for artists!

Artist Residency Call for Applications! Quinta das Relvas (PT), Oficinas do Convento (PT), Rural Contemporánea (ES) and CHORUS (GR), are happy to announce this open call to their common project SEEDS – Means for a Sustainable Art Practice. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SEEDS – means for a sustainable art practice is a project that combines two main […]